Basic 썸네일형 리스트형 Day 1: Quartile HackerRank 10 days of statistics: Day 1 note taking Quartile(4분위수): The quartiles of an ordered data set at the 3 points that split the data set into 4 equal groups. - the odd number of elements median of lower half from median= first quartile median(중앙값)= second quartile= 50 percentile median of upper half median= third quartile - the even number of elements average of these two elements= media.. 더보기 Day 0: mean, median, mode, weighted mean HackerRank 10 days of statistics: Day 0 note taking This is just for practice, can make it much shorter with some packages like numpy, scipy.array = [n1, n2 .... nN]type(n) == intN = len(array) Mean: sum( all N element in array) / N Median: middle element in a sorted array. If a number of N is even, then you have two elements in the middle of the average of those two elements is median... 더보기 이전 1 다음