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Day 1: Quartile HackerRank 10 days of statistics: Day 1 note taking Quartile(4분위수): The quartiles of an ordered data set at the 3 points that split the data set into 4 equal groups. - the odd number of elements median of lower half from median= first quartile median(중앙값)= second quartile= 50 percentile median of upper half median= third quartile - the even number of elements average of these two elements= media.. 더보기
Day 0: mean, median, mode, weighted mean HackerRank 10 days of statistics: Day 0 note taking This is just for practice, can make it much shorter with some packages like numpy, scipy.array = [n1, n2 .... nN]type(n) == intN = len(array) Mean: sum( all N element in array) / N Median: middle element in a sorted array. If a number of N is even, then you have two elements in the middle of the array.an average of those two elements is median... 더보기
Let's connect Google cloud VM and Pycharm Let's connect GCP VM to Pycharm in your local with SSH key pair.I've only checked the connection to the Google cloud server, but this seems to apply to other Remote Servers as well. Let's start with the assumption that you have saved the SSH key locally and registered it on the Remote Server you want to connect to.* and you need Pycharm pro version * 1. Open the project you want to connect to th.. 더보기
Google cloud VM에 로컬 Pycharm 연동 Google cloud vm 서버와 local에 있는 Pycharm을 SSH 키 페어로 연동시켜보겠습니다.GCP vm 서버와의 연동만 확인해보았지만, 다른 Remote Server와도 아래와 같은 방법으로 연동시킬 수 있을 것으로 보입니다. 먼저 로컬에 저장해둔 SSH 키를 연결을 원하는 Remote Server에 등록해 놓았다는 전제로 설명을 시작하겠습니다.* 파이참 pro 버전이 필요합니다. 학생은 무료로 사용할 수 있고, 일반인도 1달 무료 trial를 사용할 수 있습니다. * 1. Remote Server에 연결하기 원하는 프로젝트를 pycharm으로 엽니다. 2. Remote Server와 처음 연결을 할 때에는 반드시 시작메뉴에 Tools > Deployment>Configuration에서 A.. 더보기